Paint Correction Holden Commodore
- April 27, 2019
- Paint Correction
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Paint Correction On Commodore
of our works and most of all….Enjoy. We are the car detailing Campbelltown experts when it comes to car detailing
First Off, Our local motor trimmers car. The TQ Ute
of our works and most of all….Enjoy
First Off, Our local motor trimmers car. The TQ Ute
It’s been a while since I posted anything anywhere at all lately about car detailing but I did this job today which I was quite impressed with that I had to post some of the results that came from it. I was down at my motor trimmers to pick up the wife’s run around heap after having the hood lining replaced and couldn’t help but notice the trimmers workhorse looking a little worse for ware.
Nothing special, just a run around for materials and going to work. Upon discussion with my friend he suggested I just give it a once over and just brighten up a bit. I said sure no problem. So I took the car home and couldn’t wait to get started on this little project.
Once I inspected this car under lighting I quickly discovered it was generally a car that was abused by coffee car washes judging from the myriad of scratches in the paint work but, the scratches weren’t the problem. Typical fading, dulling, loads of surface webbing and stains. This was TOOOO easy and I new the results were gonna be stunning once completed. After all, paint correction was not on the agenda.
It was just really a paint clean. A once over, so I quickly conjured a combination using old school Meguairs and Super Resin Polish.I did do two passes just to make the guy happy. Besides, I wanted to see what this polishing combination could achieve.Initially starting out, this was some of the images before any polishing The two polishes involved were pretty simple considering there was no real paint correction involved. Good old Meguiars swirl free polish to get rid of the fade and hairline swirls followed by Autoglym Super Resin Polish to really fine down the finish.
- Faded paint Before Paint Correction
when you let go of your car’s appearance and generally don’t care for your car paint. Although this car didn’t need any real or serious paint correction, when paint gets to this stage and is left to proceed any further, it quickly goes from looking like a flat fade to looking like a deteriorated fade. When it gets to the deterioration level, it’s too late and the only option left is to respray the panel or car itself. Luckily for Mick it wasn’t too late
Why Was I using Meguiars Swirl Free Polish ?
There are different types of paints and different types of paint damageThe purpose of using Meguiars Swirl free polish here, was to eliminate all the swirling and dead paint that was hiding that killer shine that was underneath all that crap. Little did Mick know what was coming or what his ute really looked like under all that paint fade. Paint fade usually isn’t an issue unless you turn a blind eye to it and allow it to continue to the point where the paint starts to deteriorate. No amount of car detailing or paint correction will save it after that. A respray will be in order
This initially wasn’t suppose to be any major paint correction procedure as stated before but merely a clean up.
I didn’t even clay bar the surface as there wasn’t any real contaminants or bad textures so I took to the paint straight with the swirl free polishing compound and it worked an absolute treat.
The Pad Was Filling Up With Dead Paint
Looking at the pad here, you can see clearly that there is loads of dead paint on the paid. After any polishing the usual method is to apply a sealer but in this case what I was trying to achieve was the strongest possible gloss so I hit it a second time ( even though I wasn’t suppose to ) with Super resin polish. Now Super resin polish really isn’t what I call a polish in its own right but more like a shining polish.
It has excellent properties as far as putting a strong gloss on paint surfaces from a polishing perspective. In this
case however I did not buff right off but let it set on the paint surface to give some sealing ability.
For the stay at home guy who likes to polish his own car, this is a good car polish to use if you’ve got a decent enough surface.
With your general car detailing, apply this polish on the outside with an orbital buff, let it set for about half hour and then wipe off and you should find a nice glossy finish underneath but, if you want to do it the proper way, applying a proper paint sealer or wax is the right way to go.
It must also be taken into consideration that Super Resin Polish is a filler so if you have swirls that you want to remove, you will have to use a swirl remover, not a filler like Super Resin Polish. I removed the swirls off this car and used SRP for its glossing properties which worked great
The End Result For The TQ Ute
- After Paint Correction
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