Car Detailing

Car Detailing Sydney

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Car Detailing SydneyBeen looking for a professional car detailing Sydney expert for a prestige car, muscle car or just to restore damaged car paintwork with a simple stage one paint correction?

Here at Dr Buff, we only use professional car detailing products with highly skilled hands which just produce superior results. We are one of the best car detailing in Sydney who are also one of the leading paint correction specialists as well.

Car detailing is the process of balanced car cleaning from the exterior to the interior.

The word car detailing these days is a very misconstrued word among different members of the general public. Some people also understand it as cut and buff detailing services. It’s like the word polymer.

In the auto detailing industry the word polymer I believe is one of the most abused terms I can put my finger on.

Some people see auto detailing as being a simple car wash with a quick cut and polish and that is it.

Others see it as just a polish and a car interior clean. Which ever way you look at it A proper car detailing service  is just good quality car cleaning. It is not a permanent damage removal process that involves restoring paint surfaces through paint correction and applying ceramic coatings for cars. While you are here, check out our Toughseal QFX Ceramic paint protection review

There are many ways car detailing can be perceived and often in most cases, it is the wrong way. People assume that car detailing is designed to permanently restore paint surfaces. It isn’t to understand why it doesn’t you need to understand what causes car paint damage



Are Car Washes Good For My Car ?


No they are not. With car wash centers going up everyday and artificial shines being applied ( that’s what we like to call it, ” artificial ” ) is it any wonder why car owners are being screwed at the till ” AND ” their wallet.

Car wash detailing is only temporary, this is what car owners don’t understand. The damage inflicted however, is permanent. Paint peel, paint fade and a severe case of paint scratches inflicted by car washes, is it any wander why no one has yet thought of the name…..” Scratch N Go ” Car wash because that’s what they really are, scratch N Go.

Does Cheap Car Detailing Provide Good Results ?


Car Detailers SydneyNo it doesn’t. Did you really think you were receiving quality detailing for 50.00 dollars ? Cheap detailing, cheap results and the bigger the damage gets down the track to the point where your car paint begins to break down where a respray will be required.

How does 8-10 thousand dollars sound to respray your vehicle ? Not too good I’m sure. So do the right thing and use professional operators or quite simple good detailers who use quality products. To put it as perfect as possible car detailing really is an enhancement of a cars overall current appearance.

It’s  not just a car wash or just a car interior detail. As far As cosmetic vehicle maintenance is concerned, in the last 10 years or so auto detailing has become that  fierce in competition when it comes to price, that any true quality in real car detailing and what true results look  like has all but diminished. Mobile car detailers are now located in all major cities as well as in abundance.


Do Coffee Car Washes Provide Quality Results ?


No they don’t. Coffee car washes are rife and destroying paint work on cars everyday. The recycled water alone in coffee car washes contains harsh degreasers, silicone’s, wheel acid,  dirt which escapes the filtration system and God knows what else. These are not 100 percent filtered systems. These car wash companies do not spend big money on preserving tour paint. Good for the environment they may be, good  for your car they’re not !!.


Do Cheap Detailing Services Deliver Results


Coffee car washes are not worth the damage they cause to your paintwork. It’s not the first time I will have a customer tell me they can get cheap detailing services elsewhere where it is provided, but it is only a matter of time before that very same customer is calling back to have damage removed from those very same cheap detailing services, regardless of having been pre-warned about cheap car  detailing.

The downside to all this  is that customers don’t wish to pay for paint correction either in order to remove damage inflicted by car washes. Many car detailers these days kind of provide mediocre services almost similar to that of a fast food chain. Take your easy money and give you nothing in return but cause damage

Then customers wonder why their cars  have got swirl marks, etchings, peeling paint and a myriad of other issues. I don’t know anyone else who hands out beautifully inflicted swirl marks for 60 dollars  like  that of coffee car washes or volume cheap detailers

Professional Car Detailing SydneyWhat Can I Expect From Cheap Car Detailing ?


You can only expect cheap results and paint which is basically further damaged due to the poor quality products used. It is really a pity that customers expect fantastic results for next to nothing and we can all thank the cheap detailer in our midst for setting up that precedent.

It is ” IMPOSSIBLE ” to achieve any lost lasting results even detailing for anything under the 400 dollar average mark.

Why ? Because it doesn’t buy quality products or anywhere near the time to apply a quality finish.

You can however have a two or four week shine for that figure. This is where fillers are used.

The car is shiny  when it’s first detailed and after a few washes the compound slowly wears off revealing swirl marks.

In many cases, straight cutting compounds are used for an immediate shine but the paintwork is left with nothing but swirl marks.

Car detailing is supposed to be professional,  but the coffee car wash chains that have entered this industry have destroyed or tarnished this industry with fast and  poor results, and it is now what people are accustomed to. The idea of paying cheap to get lasting or professional results just does not work.


What Can Professional Car Detailing Deliver ?


Professional car detailing always delivers long term results without damaging existing paintwork purely because professional products are always used. As far as Professional car detailing results are concerned, Providing a professional finish takes time. A black car for instance takes time. Applying ceramic coatings for cars in not 5 min. Check out ceramic coating reviews. The only way black cars can get around from detailing and look unscathed is by professional detailing or paint correction.


What Are Some Benefits Of Using Professional Car Detailers ?


  • Professional Detailers Use Professional products used all the time. Specifically name brand products
  • Professionally skilled Meguiars detailer working on your car
  • Time invested to bring out the best results from your car
  • Results are long term resulting in less repeated car detailing
  • No damage to paint work from cheap car detailing products
  • No greasy or oily looking interior finishes
  • No limits with colour
  • Highly skilled with two pack and nano technology paint
  • Professional paint protection application specialist


Does Colour Effect Detailing Results ?


No it does not. Real professional car detailers are not phased by colour, not even black. A true detailer or paint correction specialist has learnt many a lesson from black and perfected what he knows. I know, I myself have repaired a number of black cars in my detailing career that have been damaged by car washes or cheap detailers. A flawless finish can and will take in excess of 6-12 hours of paint correction and then followed by car paint protection, depending on the severity of damage to it’s paint surfaces, and its colour.


Is Car Detailing The Same For All Cars ?


Car detailing is kind of rocket science when it comes to understanding the very materials used for working car paint work to a shine. One combination that works on one style of paint, will not necessarily work on another, and the best way to learn combinations with learning car detailing when it comes to paint correction is to learn on black. This has been a constant reminder. One of the best colours to teach any detailer how to carry out paint correction is black. Always has been, always will be. However, it is a sad fact many detailers run from this colour. This is half the reason why so many detailers do not have in depth knowledge on car detailing when it comes to paint correction. Black shows everything.

Car Detailing Professionals SydneyIs Black Car Paint Difficult To Work With ?


Black is not difficult to polish and clean. In fact, it is the easiest colour to polish and finish off to a shine.It will teach what combination works and which one doesn’t. This believe it or not is a colour up and coming detailers should embrace in car detailing, not flee from.

How many detailers do you know that you can trust with black. I have spoken to other detailers in regards to working on black colours and they cringe at the sound of the very word .Look at these images to the right.

What I have achieved with working with dark coloured cars would in no way have been possible if I did not embrace black many years ago when I started expressing my love of car detailing and making cars look damned good. This is what black has taught me. Any detailer who embraces black colours also stands to gain this knowledge. After all, you don’t learn if you don’t try. If you can do this with black, you can do anything with any colour. When you learn car detailing the right way, you get results that you’re looking for. It is a real shame that car detailers who enter this industry seek to only exploit it with cheap car detailing services and charges

What I Have Learned From My Years Of Being A Professional Car Detailer.


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If you want to learn the true art of car detailing and want to know the key secret, it’s very simple. The secret is time and practice. Time allows for knowledge  to be absorbed. Practice allows that knowledge to be exercised. The more knowledge you absorb, the better of an effective detailing instrument you  become. True artists are always sharpening their detailing skills.

Amateurs don’t. If you are truly limited with time, spend whatever time you have in just one  area than a little bit of time in all areas. For instance, exhaust an entire day detailing your interior with the knowledge you have learned on interiors, rather  than doing mediocre work on the entire vehicle. Car detailing is a systamatic approach. Always plan your events of car detailing. Eg, One weekend, tackle your exterior and only your exterior. Our general maintenance pages on car waxing is more than good enough to teach you basic experience on general detailing and getting started in this industry. There are also an abundance of hard copy books on car detailing which will teach much more. These images above are professional finishes. Why do they look so good ?? Simple, time, just time to practice and learn.

Do  your exterior one weekend, then your interior the following weekend. All you need to know is that thorough car detailing is only ever done rarely, providing  you have a general maintenance schedule to do minor detailing periodically. Real car enthusiasts go through their toys once or twice a year. When their  vehicles are washed once a week, they generally polish and wax the tops or the sides on the day. Generally, the tops are treated in summer, and the sides  in winter. Believe it or not, it does not absorb that much time, and the vehicle is always looking its best.

Can Preventative Auto Maintenance Reduce Costs ?


The trick to avoiding major car detailing jobs is to keep on top of things. Regular maintenance will help avoid this. A gerni helps greatly in blasting dirt out of  tight edges on your exterior. If you don’t have one, ” get one ” If you are not certain about which chemicals to use in your interior, Lightning Fast Stain  Extractor which is a carpet and upholstery cleaner should take care of many of your woes. No matter what type of car you drive, time, patience and good old fashioned elbow grease will get results. Professional car detailing results are only ever achieved with time. Lets face facts. If it takes time for a vehicle to get filthy, its going to take time get it clean the first time with major car detailing, so it’s not possible to expect to get it clean in a couple of hours.

A well carried out detailing, weekly or monthly general maintenance is the best way to keep your car looking good. For those of you that don’t like the hard work, you can always employ a professional detailer  to carry out the hard yards for you. If you are serious about true results we are here to help you. Also, If you happen to reside in the south west of Sydney, you are in luck,  as our car detailing,paint correction and paint protection services are carried out in Campbelltown. We hope we have been of some assistance in providing  some insight into the real world of car detailing and what car detailing results should look like. Still, if you have questions, don’t hesitate to drop us an email

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A love and passion for cars

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